The Zuarinagar Morning Study Centre

The Zuarinagar Morning Study Centre for children is a happy, happening place, where 30 children from Std. 1 to 4, from underprivileged families living in the Zuarinagar shanties, are provided with a safe and pleasant learning opportunity while their parents are away at work. These children go to formal School in the afternoons.

Two Teachers give them help in their School subjects and ensure that they are able to tackle age -appropriate learning concepts in English, Kannada and Maths. A mid-day meal is provided, as many of these children are unable to access wholesome food in their homes.

Uniforms, stationery and teaching-learning material are made available, to aid in creating an effective environment for study and co-curricular activities.

The Centre is sponsored by Mrs. Charlotte Newnes and other generous donors.

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